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The Microcosm Effect

The Microcosm Effect

Regular price $200.00 AUD
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A microcosm is a community, place, or situation regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristics of something much larger.

Every day we experience this world through events that are part of a much larger plan. These events are a microcosm of life and our place in the universe.

Part 1 – Micro-decisions in a micro-second

This video is the beginning of a series that will provide the viewer with a different way of looking at and conceptualising this world and their place in it. It is the underlying principle or way of thinking behind everything Dr Shell.

  • Micro-decisions happen in a micro-second.
  • These decisions impact our path.
  • Conceptualisation of worries and concerns when they become insurmountable.
  • Every decision we make has a different timeline, pattern, outcome, taking us on our path.
  • Human interconnectedness – the impact of micro-decisions in a micro-second beyond the individual. 

Part 2 – Where do you drive from?

In this video is an introduction to Dr Shell exploring the concept of who we are as an individual and where we drive from in making our decisions and ultimately in changing our behaviour.

  • Who are you as a person?
  • Most conceptualise themselves linked to their behaviours and what the external world sees.
  • Shifting behaviour from a different perspective.
  • Driving from a base of strength, goodness, with the prospect of positive outcomes.
  • The impact of others on our concept of self and how this impacts our micro-decisions in a micro-second.

Part 3 – Take your experiences on the journey of life

Dr Shell values the ability to use everyday experiences, challenges, from a personal, social, and family perspective, to take on your journey of life.

  • Looking forward to your hopes and dreams.
  • Taking the good, the bad, and the ugly on our journey with us into the future.
  • Using experiences for growth and as a strength not a weakness.
  • Value every experience in life as it makes you who you are.
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