Dr Michelle Curran - Conferences

2010 (July) - International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Melbourne, Australia.

2014 (October) - APS Annual Conference - Hobart, Australia

2014 (July) - International Conference of Applied Psychology (ICAP) - Paris, France

2016 (September) APS Congress

Symposium Chair
Curran, M. L., Statham, D., Brownlow, C., Fisher, J., O’Dell, L., Smith, C., & Hodge, N.
(2014, July). _“Raising the Bar” for International inclusive education: Understanding ASD through a lens of inclusivity. Symposium conducted at the International Conference of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Paris, France.

Invitation to Chair

Curran, M. L. (Chair; 2014, July). Teachers and Teaching. Thematic session conducted at the International Conference of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Paris, France.

Curran, M. L. (Chair; 2014, October). Autism & Family. Individual research papers session in Child, Adolescent & Family Conducted at APS Annual Conference, Hobart, Australia.