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Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Drivers

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Drivers

Regular price $75.00 AUD
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Dr Shell shares with you her experiences in working with people to understand natural versus manualised processes when navigating this world.

Understanding automated versus manualised processes and behaviours.

  • Skills are learned manually rather than the more automated processes experienced by neurotypical individuals.
  • This increases the overload experienced on a daily basis.
  • Often the individual will be able to manually overcome situations, however, when there is increased load due to needing to implement manual processes/behaviours, the overwhelm increases.
  • Evaluation of how things are carried out reveal that a large number of things are manualised not automated, including adjustments that parents make that reduce the overload.
  • When required to be in the wider community differences in this area are more obvious.
  • Identifying issues allows us to put in place supports or interventions to allow the individual to live their best life.

Length: 7:59

Cost: $75
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