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Diagnosis is a wonderous and peculiar thing at the same time. We seek diagnoses as they help us to narrow down to more tailored forms of support systems. When diagnosing Dr Michelle Curran has always seen it as the individual symptoms (like atoms/particles) coming together and connecting to the “whole”, the diagnosis. There are no two people with Autism Spectrum Disorder who are the same, no specific linear grouping of symptoms that make up a diagnosis. It is often referred to as a journey to diagnosis. Take it on as a journey, one that is exploratory, and an experience, and you will gain the most out of it.

Part 1 – You have a diagnosis

I do not know a parent, who does not attend for a diagnosis, who is not overwhelmed in some way with the process. Akin to Autism Spectrum Disorder itself, I see a range of individuals over all walks of life, at different stages of their journey. Some are fortunate to have a strong village around them that has resulted in an easy path to identification and ultimately diagnosis, whilst others have battled (and I really mean battled) for many years against a system where there is just not as great an understanding of the breadth of Autism Spectrum Disorder, ultimately resulting in less conclusive outcomes.

So, you have a diagnosis and apart from the relief and the overwhelm are unsure of what to do next. This video will provide some guidance. Though this is the case, my biggest advice is to research and find the people around you who can help you. One of the best ways to gain understanding is to travel the journey. The post diagnosis journey and experiences (even when it is a little bumpy) will afford you an opportunity to take in what you need to at what point in time you are ready to take in that information. It is big and it can be overwhelming, but you can do it.

Length: 7:51

Part 2 – What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

This video will explore the specifics of what Autism Spectrum Disorder is, the challenges with the wording and changes to diagnostic criteria and their impact on everyday individuals, their families, and their carers.

  • What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  • Challenges with the wording of “Disorder”.
  • Benefits of providing a label.
  • It is genetic.
  • Male versus female diagnosis – recent research.
  • Females often misdiagnosed due to difference in presenting symptoms.
  • The field is always evolving with us learning more every day.
  • It is a way of thinking differently.

Length: 6:34

Cost: $100
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