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A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Regular price $250.00 AUD
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Imagine if you could understand what it is like to be in the mind/body of another human being. An individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder not only experiences many challenges, on a daily basis, to navigate this world, but they are met with a lack of understanding of the nuances of their experiences, and a lack of understanding, including a lack of willingness to understand, of what the world looks like through their lens.

This video is an attempt (I say this out of respect, as a neurotypical attempting a representation) to provide you with an understanding of what I have been educated, through the thousands of people I have worked with, of what it is like (though just a sample), to live a day navigating this world, as an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

  • A journey of the day in the life of a child on the spectrum.
  • Every individual is very different.
  • Highlights some presentations, concerns, challenges etc. that occur on a daily basis. It will not be the same for everyone.
  • Travelling the morning routine, experiences, and challenges preparing for the school day.
  • Impact of executive functioning.
  • Systems, interventions, and barriers to their effectiveness.
  • Reflecting on language and interpretation of the individual that we are working with.
  • Information and concepts about presenting symptoms that may form a barrier to completing everyday tasks.
  • The impact of change on progressing through the day.
  • Modelling as a tool for shifts and change.
  • Some differences in challenges for girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
  • Sensory impacts on daily life.
  • Cognitive ability does not equal increased capacity.
  • Graded exposure as a tool for change.
  • Value of the drive home and captive audience, a potential time for reflection on the day.
  • You are not alone, there are others experiencing the similar things.

Length: 1:03:49

Cost: $250
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