Dr Shell Productions

Every single day I speak to people in my office, in my life, through email, the list goes on and on, who want information about how to do better. One day, I was speaking to a friend who had an issue with her child. It was impacting her family for two hours a day every single day, literally bringing the family to a halt. In ten minutes, a friend who I speak to most days, was able to stop this being an issue with information that I had in my head and hadn’t shared.

So, if I hadn’t shared it with her, and it had such a major impact on their lives, what about, just maybe, I could help others in the same way. It came as a big shock as that is the point in time where I had to realise that I am only one person (I am sure I have lived my life believing otherwise), and the demand on my one man show practice is becoming greater every day. So, on this day I took the big leap to give birth to (and trust me it is not really all that different to any other birthing process) my new baby, Dr Shell Productions.

The design of this website was to provide everyday people with everyday information that can help them on their journey of life. It is not meant to be all fancy and complicated, not full of Psychology speak and incomprehensible information that is not relatable to your life.

Dr Michelle Curran

Meet the team

Meet Dr Michelle Curran

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